Superficial deposits of Finland 1:200 000 (sediment polygons)
The Superficial deposits of Finland 1:200 000 (sediment polygons) contains data produced from the whole of Finland during the period 2002-2009. The data set can be used in regional planning, in military defence, in soil mapping (EU) and in joint mapping projects in various areas. The mapping scale has been 1:50 000-1:200 000. In compiling the medium-scale data set, generalised 1:20 000, 1:50 000 and 1:100 000 superficial deposits maps have been used and a new map product at a scale of 1:200 000 that is based on interpretation and field mapping. The minimum size of the sediment polygons is about six hectares. Exceptions are glaciofluvial, marginal till and hummocky moraine deposits, which are presented in the data set as areas with a surface area greater than two hectares. The blanketing peat overburden has been described in the new map product as a peat-covered area (0-0.3 m of peat), thin peat (0.3-0.6 m of peat) and thick peat (over 0.6 m of peat). Peat-covered areas, stone fields and uncovered bedrock areas have been added to the new production map by generalising the corresponding polygons in the terrain database of the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS). In connection with the generation of new production map, field observations have been gathered on the overburden thickness and the stratigraphic sequence at a depth of one metre as well as on rock exposures.
Coordinate reference system of the Superficial deposits of Finland 1:200 000 (sediment polygons) was transformed in March 2013. The transformation from Finnish National Grid Coordinate System (Kartastokoordinaattijärjestelmä, KKJ) Uniform Coordinate Frame to ETRS-TM35FIN projection was done by using the three-dimensional transformation in accordance with the recommendations for the public administration JHS154.
- Alternate title
Maaperän yleiskartta
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-01-01
- Unique resource identifier
- Presentation form
- digitalGeographicInfo
- Purpose
The Superficial deposits of Finland 1:200 000 (sediment polygons) is suitable for use at a general scale (medium scale) in land-use planning, in the mapping and inventory of the natural resources of land areas, in environmental management, in agriculture and forestry and in education as well as in scientific and applied research. The scale of use of the map data set is 1:100 000-1:250 000.
- Credit
Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus
- Credit
- Credit
- Status
- Completed
Coarse-grained materials
Fine-grained materials
Organic sediments
- Place
- Discipline
Geologic maps
Surficial geology maps
Geologic maps
Surficial geology maps
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Paikkatietohakemiston asiasanasto
- Temporal
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- no limitations to public access
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 200000
- Metadata language
- Finnish
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Reference system identifier
- EPSG / ETRS89 / ETRS-TM35FIN (EPSG:3067) / 7.4
- Topology level
- Geometry only
- Distribution format
ESRI file gdb
ESRI file gdb
- OnLine resource
- ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
- OnLine resource
- Maankamara ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
Aineisto ei ole INSPIRE-tietotuotemäärittelyn mukainen
- Pass
- No
- Statement
In producing the new general Superficial deposits of Finland 1:200 000 (sediment polygons), the following have been used as a background data: small scale 1:400 000 and 1:1 000 000 superficial deposits maps, the digital terrain database of the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS), 1:250 000 waterway elements, a digital elevation model, land parcel soil type data, VMI points (VMI = National Forest Inventory), the rock exposure observations of GTK, the rock exposure observations of Outokumpu Oy, low altitude aerogeophysical data sets, peat research points, a rock aggregate database and various available superficial deposits sets and geomorphological interpretations.
The general superficial deposits mapping process consists of generalisation of the base map, the gathering of reference material, preliminary interpretation, field mapping as well as data set completion and checking. In preparing the base map by generalising 1:20 000/1:50 000 and 1:100 000 superficial deposits maps, stone field polygons, open bedrock polygons, peat area polygons and classified mire polygons in the terrain database were joined to form one base map layer. In the new production process the mapping area was interpreted before field data were collected. In fieldwork, a probing rod and a spade were used for sediment identification. Most field observations were made close to a road network while in Northern Finland off-road routes were also used. The field observations were entered into a field computer. The sediment polygons were finalised and checked in the office. Finally, the field observations, sediment type labels, sediment polygon boundaries and sediment polygons were entered into the GTK database, in which sediment polygons were joined to form one seamless map layer. The clipping layer used for the map data set was a 1:200 000 map sheet division in accordance with the ETRS89 system (JHS 154).
- Description
The general superficial deposits mapping process consists of generalisation of the base map, the gathering of reference material, preliminary interpretation, field mapping as well as data set completion and checking. In preparing the base map by generalising 1:20 000/1:50 000 and 1:100 000 superficial deposits maps, stone field polygons, open bedrock polygons, peat area polygons and classified mire polygons in the terrain database were joined to form one base map layer. In the new production process the mapping area was interpreted before field data were collected. In fieldwork, a probing rod and a spade were used for sediment identification. Most field observations were made close to a road network while in Northern Finland off-road routes were also used. The field observations were entered into a field computer. The sediment polygons were finalised and checked in the office. Finally, the field observations, sediment type labels, sediment polygon boundaries and sediment polygons were entered into the GTK database, in which sediment polygons were joined to form one seamless map layer. The clipping layer used for the map data set was a 1:200 000 map sheet division in accordance with the ETRS89 system (JHS 154).
In the general superficial deposits mapping, the geographical information systems (GIS) software packages ArcInfo and ArcView were used initially to process spatial data. Later ArcGIS 9.1-9.3 software was used almost exclusively. Additionally, the processing of the geophysical data sets used various programmes tailored to the material in question. GPS equipment was used in recording field observations.
- Description
In producing the new general Superficial deposits of Finland 1:200 000 (sediment polygons), the following have been used as a background data: small scale 1:400 000 and 1:1 000 000 superficial deposits maps, the digital terrain database of the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS), 1:250 000 waterway elements, a digital elevation model, land parcel soil type data, VMI points (VMI = National Forest Inventory), the rock exposure observations of GTK, the rock exposure observations of Outokumpu Oy, low altitude aerogeophysical data sets, peat research points, a rock aggregate database and various available superficial deposits sets and geomorphological interpretations.
- File identifier
- ade1283b-0e69-4166-a52a-261d04f32cd0 XML
- Metadata language
- Finnish
- Character set
- 8859 Part 15
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
Maaperä 1:200 000 (maalajit)
- Date stamp
- 2024-02-19T15:08:34

Spatial extent
Provided by