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  • Paavo - Open data by postal code area contain the following geographic data: 1) Paavo postal code areas 2) Paavo postal code areas (extended to sea areas) 3) Paavo statistical data (104 variables) combined with the postal code areas There are two different versions of the map data: extending to sea areas mainly produced for statistics production, and the version produced from this for map visualisation cut with the coastline. The map data contain the surface areas of the postal code areas and the municipality codes defined for the postal code areas. The statistical data contain data on the population structure, the degree of education, the income of the inhabitants and households, the size of house-holds and life stage, buildings and dwellings, workplaces, and the main ac-tivities of the inhabitants. The statistical data are also available in the PxWeb database: The data are protected. Protected data are indicated with -1. New data are updated annually in January. The data descriptions can be found in this link: The general Terms of Use must be observed when using the data: