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  • The Regional Stream Sediment Geochemical Mapping data set gives information on the elemental concentrations in organic sediments of small headwater streams. The samples have been taken from small headwater streams (catchment area under 30 km2) in the late summer of 1990. Sampling has been repeated for about every fourth point during the years 1995, 2000 and 2006. The number of samples was 1162 in 1990 (at a density of one sample / 300 km2), 286 in 1995, 286 in 2000 and 249 in 2006. The data set covers the whole of Finland. Stream water samples have also been taken at the same time. Sampling, processing and analysis methods have been described in the Geochemical Atlas of Finland, Part 3, p. 27 - 30 (Lahermo et. al 1996). Field observations, coordinates and element concentrations determined from samples have been made into a database, in which each record represents one sample point. The data for each sampling year have been recorded on different tables. The method of analysis is referred to with a four-character method code. The codes are as follows: 503H = mercury determination using the cold vapour method 503P = nitric acid extraction in a microwave oven, measurement with ICP-AES 503M = nitric acid extraction in a microwave oven, measurement with ICP-MS 820L = carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen determination with a LECO analyser. The element concentration data include a numerical concentration value (as mg kg-1 or ppm) and possibly a check mark. The concentration is recorded as a variable, which has a name that comprises the chemical symbol for the element and the code for the method of analysis. For example AS_503M is arsenic (As) concentration, which is determined with the ICP-MS method (503M). The next variable has a check mark, for example AS_503MT. If the numerical value following the check mark is ‘>’ or '‘<’ then the number recorded in the concentration field is the determination limit of the chemical analytical method used and the actual concentration is less than this value. If the check mark is an exclamation mark (!), the analytical result is smaller than the determination limit of the analytical method use but the (unreliable) value obtained with the measuring instrument has been entered in the database. There is no data are if the check mark is a 'x'. The original purpose of the Regional Stream Water Geochemical Mapping data set was national general geochemical mapping and the basic assessment of environmental state. Other uses are, for example, the assessment of changes in environmental state and determination of the baseline concentrations of surface water as part of the evaluation of the chemical state of catchment areas in accordance with the Water Framework Directive of the EU. The original purpose of the Regional Stream Water Geochemical Mapping data set was national general geochemical mapping and the basic assessment of environmental state. Other uses are, for example, the assessment of changes in environmental state and determination of the baseline concentrations of surface water as part of the evaluation of the chemical state of catchment areas in accordance with the Water Framework Directive of the EU.

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    The GTK’s Mineral Deposit database contains all mineral deposits, occurrences and prospects in Finland. Structure of the new database was created in 2012 and it is based on global geostan-dards (GeoSciML and EarthResourceML) and classifications related to them. The database is in Oracle, data products are extracted from the primary database. During 2013 GTK’s separate mineral deposit databases (Au, Zn, Ni, PGE, U, Cu, Industrial minerals, FODD, old ore deposit database) were combined into a single entity. New database contains extensive amount of information about mineral occurrence feature along with its associated commodities, exploration activities, holding history, mineral resource and re-serve estimates, mining activity, production and geology (genetic type, host and wall rocks, min-erals, metamorphism, alteration, age, texture, structure etc.) Database will be updated whenever new data (e.g. resource estimate) is available or new deposit is found. Entries contain references to all published literature and other primary sources of data. Also figures (maps, cross sections, photographs etc.) can be linked to mineral deposit data. Data is based on all public information on the deposits available including published literature, archive reports, press releases, companies’ web pages, and interviews of exploration geologists. Database contains 33 linked tables with 216 data fields. Detailed description of the tables and fields can be found in separate document. (http://tupa/metaviite/MDD_FieldDescription.pdf) The data products extracted from the database are available on Mineral Deposits and Exploration map service ( and from Hakku -service (

  • Seabed substrate 1:100 000 is one of the products produced in the EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data network) Geology III EU project. Project provided seabed geological material from the European maritime areas. The EMODnet Geology III project ( collects and harmonizes geological data from the European sea areas to support decision-making and sustainable marine spatial planning. The EMODnet Geology partnership has included 39 marine organizations from 30 countries. This data includes the EMODnet seabed substrate map at a scale of 1:100 000 from the Finnish marine areas. It is based on the data produced on a scale of 1:20 000 by the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK). The data has been harmonized and reclassified into five Folk substrate classes (clay + silt (mud), sandy clays, clayey sands, coarse sediments, mixed sediments) and bedrock. The data describes the seabed substrate from the uppermost 30 cm of the sediment column. The data have been generalized into a target scale (1:100 000). The smallest smallest cartographic unit within the data is 0.05 km2 (5 hectares). Further information about the EMODnet-Geology project III is available on the portal ( Permission (AN17367) to publish the material was obtained from the Finnish Defence Office 29.9.2017.

  • The EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data network) Geology project collects and harmonizes marine geological data from the European sea areas to support decision making and sustainable marine spatial planning. The partnership includes 39 marine organizations from 30 countries. The partners, mainly from the marine departments of the geological surveys of Europe (through the Association of European Geological Surveys-EuroGeoSurveys), have assembled marine geological information at various scales from all European sea areas (e.g. the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters). This dataset includes EMODnet seabed substrate maps at a scale of 1:50 000 from the European marine areas. Traditionally, European countries have conducted their marine geological surveys according to their own national standards and classified substrates on the grounds of their national classification schemes. These national classifications are harmonised into a shared EMODnet schema using Folk's sediment triangle with a hierarchy of 16, 7 and 5 substrate classes. The data describes the seabed substrate from the uppermost 30 cm of the sediment column. Further information about the EMODnet Geology project is available on the portal (

  • The EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data network) Geology project collects and harmonizes marine geological data from the European sea areas to support decision making and sustainable marine spatial planning. The partnership includes 39 marine organizations from 30 countries. The partners, mainly from the marine departments of the geological surveys of Europe (through the Association of European Geological Surveys-EuroGeoSurveys), have assembled marine geological information at various scales from all European sea areas (e.g. the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters). This dataset includes EMODnet seabed substrate maps at a scale of 1:60 000 from the European marine areas. Traditionally, European countries have conducted their marine geological surveys according to their own national standards and classified substrates on the grounds of their national classification schemes. These national classifications are harmonised into a shared EMODnet schema using Folk's sediment triangle with a hierarchy of 16, 7 and 5 substrate classes. The data describes the seabed substrate from the uppermost 30 cm of the sediment column. Further information about the EMODnet Geology project is available on the portal (

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    The EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data network) Geology project ( collects and harmonizes marine geological data from the European sea areas to support decision- making and sustainable marine spatial planning. The partnership includes 36 marine organizations from 30 countries. The partners, mainly from the marine departments of the geological surveys of Europe (through the Association of European Geological Surveys-EuroGeoSurveys), have assembled marine geological information at a scale of 1:250 000 from all European sea areas (e.g. the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters). This data includes the EMODnet seabed substrate map at a scale of 1:250 000 from the European marine areas. Traditionally, European countries have conducted their marine geological surveys according to their own national standards and classified substrates on the grounds of their national classification schemes. These national classifications are harmonized into a shared EMODnet schema using Folk's sediment triangle with a hierarchy of 16, 7 and 5 substrate classes. The data describes the seabed substrate from the uppermost 30 cm of the sediment column. The data has been generalized into a target scale (1:250 000). The smallest cartographic unit within the data is 0.3 km2 (30 hectares). Further information about the EMODnet-Geology project is available on the portal (

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    The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) has carried out systematic aerogeophysical low-altitude surveys during the period 1972-2007. The flight altitude (main terrain clearance) has been 30-40 m with a nominal flight line spacing of 200 m. The standard flight lines chosen run North-South and East-West and follow the main geological trends. The distance between the measuring points along the survey lines has been 6-50 m. The geophysical parameters measured include Earth's magnetic field, the electromagnetic field and natural gamma radiation. Magnetic measurements determine the Earth's magnetic field strength (magnetic flux density), and the parameter obtained is the total magnetic intensity. The measurements have been made with one to three proton magnetometers until 1991 and thereafter with one or two cesium magnetometers. Most of the land area has been flown using two magnetometers.

  • The Regional Till Geochemical Mapping data set gives information on the concentrations of 37 elements in unaltered basal till. The samples have been taken, in 1983, from an unaltered basal till (C horizon) below the groundwater table at a depth of ca. 70 cm (variation 50-200 cm) with a density of one sample per 300 km2. The data set covers the whole of Finland with a total sample amount of 1056. The samples are composite field samples. The calculated sample point coordinates entered in the data set have been obtained from the centroid coordinates of five subsamples. The subsamples have been collected from a 300 m x 1000 m rectangular-shaped area. In Northern Finland, samples have been obtained by including samples taken previously in the Nordkallot Project. The samples have been sieved for analysis at a grain size grade less than 0.06 mm. The samples have been analysed for total elemental concentrations and aqua regia concentrations. Total concentrations have been determined either by neutron activation analysis (method code 900N) or by total dissolution with strong concentrated mineral acids (method code 312P). The analysis code for aqua regia dissolution is 511P. Gold and palladium have been determined with a analysis method based on flameless atomic absorption (519U). The sulfur concentration has been determined with a LECO analyser (810L). Further, total concentrations (312P) and aqua regia soluble concentrations (511P) were determined from Southern Finland and Mid-Finland samples with a grain size grade less than two millimetres. The original purpose of the Regional Till Geochemical Mapping data set was national geochemical general mapping and ore exploration. Other uses are, for example, estimating the baseline concentration of the soil, the nutrient levels of forest soil, assessing the buffering capacity of base cations in the soil and evaluating the weathering rate.

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    The Superficial deposits of Finland 1:1 000 000 is based on 'Quaternary Deposits of Finland and Northwestern Part of Russian Federation and their Resources (Sheet 1, Western part)' mapping data. This data is also based on the 1984 map 'Quaternary Deposits of Finland' (1:1 000 000) in the “Geologia” (Geology) folio of the Atlas of Finland, 5th edition (123-126, 1990). Joint scientific and technical planning for the map of the 'Quaternary Deposits of Finland and Northwestern Part of Russian Federation and their Resources' was begun in 1987 while work on the map started in 1988. No field mapping was done for the map, rather the 1:1 000 000 Quaternary map printed in 1984 was supplemented with new data partly obtained from rock aggregate studies and partly from information on superficial deposits gathered in other superficial mapping projects. The map 'Quaternary Deposits of Finland and Northwestern Part of Russian Federation and their Resources' was printed in 1993. The map shows the superficial deposits with colours and symbols and these are classed according to their mode of geological development. The deposit classes are as follows: pre-Quaternary bedrock exposures (no Quaternary layers); boulder field, physically weathered bedrock; gravelly and sandy till; silty till; clayey till; hummocky moraine ; moraine complex; esker, delta, sandur, sorted marginal formation; interlobate formation (esker); till-covered esker / other till-covered gravel and sand deposit; gravel and sand deposit peripheral to eskers; littoral gravel and sand deposit; fluvial deposit; homogeneous clay and silt deposit; layered (varved) clay and silt deposit; peat deposit. Additionally, drumlins, end moraines, aeolian deposits, and sites of gravel, sand, clay and peat extraction as well as gold panning areas have been indicated with symbols. The data set was converted to a digital format to meet the needs of the OneGeology-Europe Project for a printed map in 2009. This data did not include drumlins, end moraines, aeolian deposits, and more important sites for the exploitation of superficial deposits (sites of gravel, sand, clay and peat extraction as well as gold panning areas). In accordance with the 1984 Quaternary map (1:1 000 000) the minimum size of the deposit polygon is generally one square kilometre. In nature the size of superficial sedimentary deposits is usually smaller than one square kilometre and therefore the most common deposit type in the area is shown in the polygon. In places, deposits smaller than a square kilometre that are significant from a superficial perspective have been noted. As a rule, the narrowest point of the deposit polygon was 0.5 km and in important cases, for example on eskers, 0.3 km. As an exception, the size of small eskers has been exaggerated. Coordinate reference system of the Superficial deposits of Finland 1:1 000 000 was transformed in October 2013. The transformation from Finnish National Grid Coordinate System (Kartastokoordinaattijärjestelmä, KKJ) Uniform Coordinate Frame to ETRS-TM35FIN projection was done by using the three-dimensional transformation in accordance with the recommendations for the public administration JHS154. The water layer which were used in the OneGeology-Europe project was replaced in 2015 with the more accurate water layer of the Topographic database 1:55 0000-1:500 000 (DVE3) from ICT Agency HALTIK.

  • The EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data network) Geology project collects and harmonizes marine geological data from the European sea areas to support decision making and sustainable marine spatial planning. The partnership includes 39 marine organizations from 30 countries. The partners, mainly from the marine departments of the geological surveys of Europe (through the Association of European Geological Surveys-EuroGeoSurveys), have assembled marine geological information at various scales from all European sea areas (e.g. the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters). This dataset includes EMODnet seabed substrate maps at a scale of 1:1 500 from the European marine areas. Traditionally, European countries have conducted their marine geological surveys according to their own national standards and classified substrates on the grounds of their national classification schemes. These national classifications are harmonised into a shared EMODnet schema using Folk's sediment triangle with a hierarchy of 16, 7 and 5 substrate classes. The data describes the seabed substrate from the uppermost 30 cm of the sediment column. Further information about the EMODnet Geology project is available on the portal (