Seabed hard and soft substrate 1:250 000
The 1:250 000 data on the soft and hard areas of the seabed supplements the seabed substrate data produced by the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) for areas for which actual survey data is unavailable. The data covers two categories; hard and soft seabed areas. The substrate types categorised as hard seabed areas cover types ranging from gravel to boulders and exposed rock, and the substrate types for soft seabed areas cover types from silt to sand. The model is based on the marine geological survey data of GTK, the substrate observations made by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and Metsähallitus, and on the environment variable data produced by the Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Environment, VELMU, particularly on depth and seabed openness models. The data has undergone statistical evaluation and the ultimate model is based on expert estimates and modelling.
At its most precise, the data is at a scale of 1:250 000 and the areas with a size less than 0.3 square kilometres have been removed. The substrate type information pertaining to restricted areas has been removed from the final data.
A permit (AK15246) for publishing data with a similar scale, i.e. the EMODnet data, was received from the Defence Command of the Finnish Defence Forces on 28 July 2014.
- Date (Publication)
- 2015-09-30
- Identifier
- Purpose
The data supplements the seabed susbtrate data produced by GTK with areas for which no actual survey data is available. The intention has been to determine the hard and soft seabed areas for Finland’s marine areas.
The data has been produced for supporting decision making, research and broad-scale marine spatial planning.
The data has been produced to a scale of 1:250 000, providing only general information about the occurrence of hard and soft seabed areas and therefore is not suitable for more precise scale inspection or use.
The data concerning areas restricted by the Finnish Defence Forces has been removed.
- Credit
The organizations participating in the The Finnish Inventory Programme for the Underwater Marine Environment, VELMU.
- Status
- Completed
Paikkatietohakemiston asiasanasto
- Discipline
Marine Geology
- Place
Baltic Sea
- Theme
marine geology
Marine Spatial Planning
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- no limitations to public access
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Geological Survey of Finland's basic licence
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 250000
- Metadata language
- Finnish
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Environment description
The data has been produced using the ESRI ArcGIS environment.
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG:3067
- Distribution format
ESRI file gdb
ESRI file gdb
- OnLine resource
The map application offers the best data from Finnish bedrock and superficial deposits.
- OnLine resource
-,6541100,543000,7350300 ( OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map )
- OnLine resource
- GTK_Maapera_WFS ( null )
- OnLine resource
The search service covers public information produced and obtained by GTK. Content is continuously accumulated through new reports, publications, spatial information products and digitizing old material.
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
Aineisto ei ole INSPIRE-tietotuotemäärittelyn mukainen
- Pass
- No
- Statement
The data has been modified from the marine geological seabed data produced by GTK to a scale of 1:20 000 and on the basis of the substrate observations made by SYKE and Metsähallitus. The GTK survey programme has gathered marine geological data since the 1970s. The quality and accuracy of the data has improved over the years thanks to improvements in methods and the introduction of global positioning technology.
This data on the soft and hard seabed areas was produced according to marine area, as Finland’s marine areas differ from one another in terms of geological features. The survey used the HELCOM 2013 division of marine areas (Bothnian Bay, Kvarken, Bothnian Sea, Archipelago Sea, Gulf of Finland) with the Gulf of Finland further divided into four sub-areas; according to GTK data, the Hanko Peninsula, Raseborg-Kirkkonummi, Greater Helsinki and Eastern Gulf of Finland differ from one another by their geological features.
The GTK marine geological data is classed into hard and soft seabed areas according to the classification used in the EMODnet Geology project. In addition, the original region-specific map data was modified into points with a frequency of either 500 metres or 200 metres depending on the area. The survey also utilised the seabed substrate observations of the Hertta Database. Furthermore, the video observations conducted by Metsähallitus on Kvarken and the Bothnian Bay were used to improve regional coverage. The seabed openness model and depth model, including its affiliated models used in the VELMU project were utilised as environmental variables.
The extents of hard and soft seabed areas for each environment variable combination were statistically checked per marine area. The area was primarily classified according to the dominant substrate type, i.e. if over 50% of environment variable combination observations were seen to be hard, all areas with similar combinations were classified as hard. Diverging from the aforementioned, statistical modelling, logical regression was utilised in the sand dominated areas of the Bothnian Bay.
The models for the hard and soft seabed areas produced for Finland’s different marine areas have been combined and the boundary areas for individual datasets have been inspected and manually edited wherever required. The data is generalized at a general scale of 1:250 000 and the areas with a size less than 0.3 square kilometres have been removed. The data has been supplemented with the substrate type data classed into hard and soft seabed areas produced in the EMODnet project for areas not surveyed by GTK. In addition, particularly with respect to open sea areas, for which very few substrate observations have been conducted, the data has been manually edited using the depth model and existing raw (1:1 000 000) data. The data has also been proportioned for the available substrate type data produced by Sweden, Estonia and Russia (EMODnet Geology Marine Geological Data). The data concerning areas restricted by the Finnish Defence Forces has been removed.
- Description
This data on the soft and hard seabed areas was produced according to marine area, as Finland’s marine areas differ from one another in terms of geological features. The survey used the HELCOM 2013 division of marine areas (Bothnian Bay, Kvarken, Bothnian Sea, Archipelago Sea, Gulf of Finland) with the Gulf of Finland further divided into four sub-areas; according to GTK data, the Hanko Peninsula, Raseborg-Kirkkonummi, Greater Helsinki and Eastern Gulf of Finland differ from one another by their geological features.
The GTK marine geological data is classed into hard and soft seabed areas according to the classification used in the EMODnet Geology project. In addition, the original region-specific map data was modified into points with a frequency of either 500 metres or 200 metres depending on the area. The survey also utilised the seabed substrate observations of the Hertta Database. Furthermore, the video observations conducted by Metsähallitus on Kvarken and the Bothnian Bay were used to improve regional coverage. The seabed openness model and depth model, including its affiliated models used in the VELMU project were utilised as environmental variables.
The extents of hard and soft seabed areas for each environment variable combination were statistically checked per marine area. The area was primarily classified according to the dominant substrate type, i.e. if over 50% of environment variable combination observations were seen to be hard, all areas with similar combinations were classified as hard. Diverging from the aforementioned, statistical modelling, logical regression was utilised in the sand dominated areas of the Bothnian Bay.
The models for the hard and soft seabed areas produced for Finland’s different marine areas have been combined and the boundary areas for individual datasets have been inspected and manually edited wherever required. The data is generalized at a general scale of 1:250 000 and the areas with a size less than 0.3 square kilometres have been removed. The data has been supplemented with the substrate type data classed into hard and soft seabed areas produced in the EMODnet project for areas not surveyed by GTK. In addition, particularly with respect to open sea areas, for which very few substrate observations have been conducted, the data has been manually edited using the depth model and existing raw (1:1 000 000) data. The data has also been proportioned for the available substrate type data produced by Sweden, Estonia and Russia (EMODnet Geology Marine Geological Data). The data concerning areas restricted by the Finnish Defence Forces has been removed.
- File identifier
- 4a0df666-3d88-4aa4-ba49-492292433a40 XML
- Metadata language
- Finnish
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2024-02-19T15:23:01
Spatial extent
Provided by